Ode to a Busch Light Peach Can

Ode to a Busch Light Peach Can

It’s round 2 of the trashy runner (spitballing on titles)

I explained some of my reasoning for this newfound running/trash collector crossover hobby in the first post, but here it is again in short. I’m getting slower, but I want my running to mean something, so I’m picking up a piece of trash every time I go out. Admittedly small actions, but they add up over time. If nothing else, I don’t have to look at the same old beer can lay along my favorite route every time I run.

Speaking of beer cans….

I found this gem on my run yesterday. Busch Light, with PEACH! How could I not pick it up?


Busch beer has been around since 1955. Apparently, it was the first new beer introduced by  Anheuser-Busch after the end of prohibition. Why it took 22 years? Who knows. Why they landed on a light Canadian beer? Some things aren’t meant to be understood, but it seems to be a selling point on the website, ehh.

Limited Flavor…Sorry, Limited TIME Flavor

I’m not a huge beer drinker, but I occasionally enjoy a very cold beer (insulated by my very sweet metal koozie) under the right conditions – times like when I’m grilling, eating curry, or sitting down to a BroadAxe firehouse burger.

In all of these varied imbibing events, I’ve never wished that one of those beers was a light beer, and I’ve certainly never wished for added peach flavor. All I can think about when I look at this can is Moira Rose trying to pitch Herb Ertlinger’s line of fruit wines.

I can only guess the brewer who came up with the idea for peach beer must have felt terrible for missing out on these gems:

Dead Rise – Old Bay infused ale – I’m a Marylander, and I love Old Bay more than all the next guys. But this is pretty rough.

Lucky Charms Beer – I can imagine a lot of things. This isn’t one of them.

Whale Beer – This one contains all the usual ingredients, water, hops, and whale testicles smoked over sheep dung. Sadly, the website has a note that the brewer is no longer in business for some reason, so you’ll have to look elsewhere for this special concoction.

Economics of Beer

I hoped to find some easy numbers on how much peach beer a company can sell, but in a brief search for Busch Light sales figures, every result was linked to tanking Bud Light sales. I guess something happened over there recently? If only every commercial and social media channel had weighed in, we could all have vigorous and varied opinions about what they did wrong.

Lacking firm numbers for the company, I thought it might be helpful to do some consumer comparisons. We’re going to see how the price of Busch Beer stacks up against other consumables.

This limited time offering retails for anywhere from $7.99 to $14.99, depending on the store. We’ll stick with the low end for our comparison. Twelve cans at $7.99 comes to about $.07/oz.

At my local Walmart, milk is going for just over $0.02/oz.

Check out a few other common prices…

Gas – $0.03/oz.

Olive Oil – $0.27/oz

Auto Body paint – $2.37/oz

Is it significant that this fruity brew falls between gasoline and olive oil on the price per ounce scale? I can’t say either way, but something about it feels right.


Check out this ad for Busch Light Peach. 

I imagine that this marketing meeting included young gen Xers and/or old millennials and it took about 20 seconds to create a plan.

What do we need?

Pictures of peaches and beer cans.

What kind of sound track?

POTUS singing Peaches.

Nailed it!

Seriously though, the visuals are really well done.

Drinking and Driving PSA

Let’s talk about the elephant on the side of the road. Namely, why is there a beer can laying on the side of the road?

Assuming that it wasn’t a walker enjoying a beer, someone probably tossed this sucker out the window of a moving vehicle. It’s pretty frustrating to think that someone feels comfortable 1.) cruising with open containers in the car, and 2.) tossing those containers out the window when they’re through.

I don’t want to paint an unfair picture, because they may be freedom fighters resisting communism like these folks…

Or maybe they’re just inconsiderate.

Either way, if you’re reading this and considering a nice boozy drive, please just stay home and toss your cans in the trash. There’s literally no downside for you unless you don’t want to miss out on a nice DUI and littering fine.

Ok, I’m off the soapbox…that’s it until next time when the trashy runner returns…

1 Comment
  • Pingback:Tony Lehman | Got Milk?
    Posted at 23:25h, 30 August Reply

    […] car don’t necessarily strike me as that inherently interesting. I prefer them to people who drink Busch Peach Beer in the car, but they don’t seem like […]

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